UP: Woman asks man not to smoke on train, killed

Lucknow | Saturday | 10th November, 2018


She died of internal injuries following which the accused was booked under Section 304 (punishment for culpable homicide not amounting to murder) of the IPC. Yadav was later arrested and sent to jail. BAREILLY: A woman, travelling from Punjab to Bihar to celebrate Chhath festival, was allegedly beaten to death by an inebriated man inside the general coach of Jallianwala Bagh Express on Saturday after she objected to him smoking.The incident took place while the train was between Bareilly and Shahjahanpur junctions.The woman, Chinta Devi (45) was allegedly kicked several times and pushed by 25-year-old Sonu Yadav, who also hurled abuses at her, even as scores of passengers looked on..