Denied toilet by in-laws, woman attempts suicide

Lucknow | Saturday | 8th December, 2018


KANPUR: A 35-year-old woman, on Thursday, allegedly committed suicide by setting herself afire in Fatehpur district after her in-laws did not allow to use their toilet. They assaulted her following which she decided to commit suicide,” said Gudiya’s husband Ram Bahadur. They did not even permit her to construct a separate toilet for herself at home.The incident took place in Datauli village under the Lalauli police station of the district. His wife was insisting on having a separate toilet at home but family was not in favour that too and forced her to visit nearby jungles, he stated further in the complaint. Gudiya Devi , after her in-laws did not allow her to use their toilet, insisted on having a separate toilet constructed in the house as she had to go to nearby jungles to defecate in open.“On Wednesday, she entered into an altercation with her in-laws over the issue..