BJP urges avadekar to cancel Owaisi's AMU visit

Lucknow | Sunday | 10th February, 2019


Presidents of 12 Muslim parties, including Rashtriya Ulema Council, Peace Party, National Aman Party among others are slated to attend the meeting to decide the strategy of formation of a Muslim front. The BJP workers have also demanded action against AMUSU leaders for inviting Owaisi, who is also an MP from Hyderabad.In a letter to Javadekar, BJP Aligarh spokesperson Dr Nishit Sharma said that this kind of programme could disturb the communal harmony of the district. These students are trying to hurt the sentiments of the Hindus by inviting Owaisi. The letter states, "Efforts are on to make an educational institute a political ground. He added that the union would mobilise AMU alumni across the country and will hold meetings to sensitize them about various issues related to the community.Earlier, on February 2, the students' union had organised a meeting with a few such political leaders and another meeting is scheduled for February 12..