7 killed as ambulance hits car on e-way

Lucknow | Tuesday | 19th February, 2019


They had hired ambulance to take his body to their native village for cremation. On Tuesday morning, our ambulance collided with another vehicle, killing six members of my family. Speaking to TOI, an injured Nassiruddin said: “We were heading to our village in Bihar with the body of Asma’s husband Zahir Ansari. “The condition of two of the five injured, admitted at Agra's Krishna Hospital, is serious,” Singh said. AGRA: An ambulance carrying a body from Jammu to Bihar hit the divider, jumped across to the other side and collided head-on with a hatchback killing six persons of the deceased's family travelling in the ambulance and its driver on Yamuna Expressway on Tuesday morning.According to police, the accident happened as the ambulance driver had dozed off..