Lok Sabha elections: With 2 seats in kitty, Apna Dal seals poll pact with BJP

Lucknow | Saturday | 16th March, 2019


Sources in BJP said the saffron party wanted to keep an elbow room to adjust other Apna Dal factions too. In 2016, Anupriya split with her mother Krishna Patel, formed Apna Dal (Sonelal) and struck a pre-poll alliance with BJP in 2017 UP assembly elections, winning nine seats. Anupriya's husband Ashish Singh Patel later got elected as MLC.Last month, even Kunwar Haribansh Singh broke away from Apna Dal and formed Akhil Bharatiya Apna Dal, accusing party leadership of nepotism. When contacted, Krishna Patel refused to comment and said she would take decision after consulting party colleagues. Haribansh told TOI, he was ready for talks and his party was willing to accept BJP as senior alliance partner..