IIM-L student commits 'suicide' in hostel room

Lucknow | Thursday | 16th November, 2017


Prasun , a student, rushed to the hostel warden informing him about the incident. LUCKNOW: A 25-year-old student of Indian Institute of Management-Lucknow (IIM-L) allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself from the ceiling fan of his hostel room on Wednesday afternoon.According to the police, Soham Mukherjee was a second-year student pursuing postgraduate programme in management and belonged to Kolkata. Since the room was locked from inside, the police prima facie called it as a case of suicide. Phone calls to him also went unanswered.Later, one of them went to the rear and peeped into the room from a raised platform. He stayed in room number 17 on the campus.One hostel resident told police that Mukherjee was last seen going out to collect a pizza he had ordered at noon on Monday..