Akhilesh son first, leader later; always blessed: Mulayam Singh Yadav

Lucknow | Wednesday | 22nd November, 2017


“He is a son first and leader later,” Mulayam Singh Yadav said while addressing the workers. (Express photo)With a message that all was well in the faction-hit Samajwadi Party, former chief minister Mulayam Singh Yadav today said he had blessed his son Akhilesh Yadav, and would continue to do so. Samajawadi founder Mulayam Singh Yadav’s 79th bithday celebration is in presence of party national president Akhilesh Yadav and other party leaders at SP head office in Lucknow on Wednesday. (Express photo) Samajawadi founder Mulayam Singh Yadav’s 79th bithday celebration is in presence of party national president Akhilesh Yadav and other party leaders at SP head office in Lucknow on Wednesday. Mulayam has not been on good terms with Akhilesh since his son ousted him from the post of the party national president in January..