Teachers continue protest against project on 4th day

Ludhiana | Wednesday | 27th February, 2019


Ludhiana: Primary government schoolteachers continued their protest for the fourth consecutive day on Tuesday by boycotting the process of testing under ‘Parho Punjab, Parhao Punjab’ project. Teachers have also given their list of demands to MLA Surinder Dabur. Heated arguments were also exchanged between the parents and the officer, and finally the testing was not conducted in the school on Tuesday. There are 19 blocks in the district, and officials of the education department visited several schools to conduct the post-testing process, but returned as teachers refused to hold the process.The block primary education officer reached the Government Primary School in Harnampura at 9am to hold the post- testing process, but students refused to appear in the testing process. At the Government Primary School in Brampuri too, the teachers refused to conduct the testing process.It is learnt that to conduct the testing process effectively, it needs five to six hours and several days, but just for a formality, the officials tried to complete the post-testing process of students studying in classes 1 to 5 in half an hour..