Bains sticks to stand, says FIR false, have faith in judiciary

Ludhiana | Tuesday | 10th September, 2019


Accuses Chief Minister of pursuing political vendettaTribune News ServiceLudhiana, September 9MLA Simarjit Singh Bains today said the FIR registered against him was false as he claimed to have not abused the Gurdaspur Deputy Commissioner. Bains added that Captain Amarinder Singh could get 100 more ‘false’ FIRs registered against him but he would continue to hold his position. The case has not been filed on the complaint of any SDM or Deputy Commissioner but it is political vendetta to settle scores, Bains said. Everybody knows I have not used any abusive language against the Gurdaspur Deputy Commissioner.”Bains had allegedly told the Gurdaspur Deputy Commissioner, “Eh tere baap da office nahi hai. Bains said he had used the word ‘father’ but not any abusive language against the Deputy Commissioner..