Patwaris go on strike till September 22

Ludhiana | Tuesday | 19th September, 2017


The patwaris/kanugos of all the circles including Ludhiana, East, West, Central have gone to strike from September18 to September 22. The union leaders said that if till September 22, case will not be registered against Bains then entire patwaris/kanugos in the district will go on strike on September 25. The patwaris have demanded that an FIR be registered against the MLA as latter used abusive language and threatened the patwaris. The decision regarding the strike was taken by the union during an emergency meeting held here today. Tribune News ServiceLudhiana, September 18The revenue and patwar union here has gone on a strike to protest against the sting operation conducted against one of the their fellow-beings recently by the Lok Insaaf Party MLA, Simarjit Singh Bains..