Lok Adalat settles over 2000 cases

Madurai | Sunday | 10th September, 2017


Principle District Judge A.

Kayalvizhi awarding settlements to litigants at the national lok adalat in Ramanathapuram on Saturday. Principle District Judge A.

Kayalvizhi, who is the chairperson of the legal services authority, inaugurated the lok adalat and chaired a bench at the district court here. more-inDistrict courts and subordinate judicial courts in the two districts have disposed of 2,190 cases and awarded settlements for the total amount of ?6.88 crore to the litigants in the national lok adalat held on Saturday. Fifteen benches — six benches at the district headquarters and 9 benches at taluk headquarters — took up 2,148 compoundable criminal cases, motor accident claim original petitions and family dispute cases for settlement and disposed of 847 cases in the lok adalat organised by the District Legal Services Authority in Ramanathapuram. Advocates N.

Madhavan, P.

Muniasamy, M.

Rajeswari, and R.