Pensioners demand benefits on par with Central govt. staff

Madurai | Wednesday | 22nd November, 2017


more-inThe Tamil Nadu Government All Department Pensioners Association (TNGADPA) staged a demonstration here on Tuesday highlighting a number of their demands to the State government, particularly about providing pension on a par with the Central government. Blaming Tamil Nadu government for making tall claims about providing pensions equivalent to that of Central government employees, the protesters said that the reality, however, was opposite to that. P.

Balasubramanian, Madurai district secretary, TNGADPA, pointed out that while Central government employees were drawing a minimum pension of ? 9,000, the minimum pension for State government employees was only ? 7,850. Alleging that the new medical insurance scheme being implemented by the State government for pensioners was grossly inadequate, TNGADPA demanded the government to provide free healthcare for all the pensioners. Retired Central government employees, however, get ? 1,000,” he added..