Chain snatchers strike in three places

Madurai | Saturday | 25th November, 2017


Police sources said that the first incident took place near Circuit House on Alagarkovil Road in the afternoon. In a manner similar to the first incident, two men snatched a five-sovereign gold chain from her. more-inA total of 28.5 sovereigns of gold jewellery were stolen in three chain snatching incidents reported in less than seven hours under Madurai city police limits on Thursday. According to the first information report, two men coming on a motorbike waylaid A.

Selvakumar and his wife S.

Jayanthi, school teachers residing in K.

Pudur, and robbed Ms.

Jayanthi of a 15.5-sovereign gold chain and sped away. The police sources said that they had not ruled out the possibility of the involvement of the same gang..