Centre should spell out stand on Section 377, says Akkai

Mangalore | Saturday | 14th July, 2018


more-inThe Centre should spell out its stand on Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code before the Constitutional Bench of the Supreme Court that is hearing the legality of the section, said activist Akkai Padmashali here on Friday. Principal of St.

Aloysius College Praveen Martis, transgender activist Sapna and women rights activist Vidya Dinker also spoke. Ms.

Padmashali, who is among the two petitioners before the the Supreme Court, said the government cannot escape from taking a stand on Section 377. “You are having multiple responsibility, especially to the most vulnerable and oppressed section (in society).”Questioning the Centre’s stand, Ms.

Padmashali said: “Why is the Narendra Modi government so silent on the issue of sexuality and gender? Releasing the report, Deputy Commissioner Sasikanth Senthil S.

said he would open a cell to address grievances of transgenders..