25 CFAL students do well in JEE Advanced

Mangalore | Saturday | 17th June, 2017


Other rankersAmong other students from CFAL who did well in the JEE Advanced include three Class 12 students from the two Kendriya Vidyalayas in the city. more-inAs many as 25 students, who underwent training at the Centre for Advanced Learning (CFAL), have done well in the JEE Advanced 2017 and are eligible for seats in the Indian Institutes of Technology and other renowned educational institutions, according to a release by CFAL. All three students did their Class 12 with the National Institute of Open Schooling. Shashanka Katta topped among the students from CFAL with an All-India ranking of 1,819. 2 Yekkur, secured the 3,438th rank, while Ranjana B.

Kasangeri and Vaishnavi Lakkalkatti, from Kendriya Vidyalaya No..