Kanara Christians to make film on Tipu

Mangalore | Friday | 10th November, 2017


more-inThe Kanara Christians, a city-based group opposing Tipu Jayanti, has planned a movie to highlight the alleged tyranny of Tipu Sultan to those in coastal areas. Asked about the silence of Christian religious heads on Tipu Jayanti, Mr.

Rosario said he too was surprised. Talking to reporters here on Thursday, Robert Rosario, a representative of Kanara Chistians, said the group has been opposing Tipu Jayanti for the last two years as there were historical facts showing the tyranny by Tipu Sultan on Christians. Mr.

Rosario said that the group has collected matters on Tipu Sultan’s alleged atrocities on Christians. As the State government was going ahead with the programme, it has been decided to come out with a film..