Minister voluntarily pays fine for helmet-less ride

Mangalore | Sunday | 12th November, 2017


The Minister rode a motorcycle for a few minutes and the video-clippings of Mr.

Madhwaraj riding the motorcycle without helmet went viral on the social media. more-inPramod Madhwaraj, Minister for Fisheries, Youth Empowerment and Sports, recently paid a fine of ? 100 for riding a motorcycle without a helmet at Karje village in Udupi district. Replying to queries from presspersons during his weekly phone-in programme here on Saturday, Superintendent of Police Sanjeev M.

Patil, said that Mr.

Madhwaraj suo motu contacted the police and paid the fine on Friday (November 10). Dr.

Patil also said that in the last week, the police had booked 848 cases against people not wearing helmets in the district, while 170 cases were booked against vehicles using shrill horns. These photographs were also posted on WhatsApp groups..