Youth, in search of missing sis-in-law, found dead

Meerut | Monday | 17th September, 2018


Our investigations are on,” said SP Singh. She mysteriously went missing early this month, following which the in-laws had launched a manhunt to trace her.“Had the police acted on time, and traced Suman, Sumit could have been saved. The deceased, Sumit, a resident of Meerut’s Modipuram locality had left his home on Saturday evening to look for his sister-in-law Suman, who went missing on September 10 this year. Meerut: Police, on Monday, found the body of a 24-year-old youth hanging from a tree in Ramraj area of Muzaffarnagar district. Alleging that he has been murdered, family members of the deceased youth blocked the busy National Highway-58 near Modipuram police outpost by placing the body on the highway..