Now, local BJP unit wants Bijnor renamed Mahatma Vidur Nagar

Meerut | Monday | 12th November, 2018


All of them suggested that the name Mahatma Vidur Nagar is apt. Now, the district unit of BJP wants Bijnor to be renamed as Mahatma Vidur Nagar, after the learned minister of the Kuru Kingdom, who was the uncle of the Pandavas and Kauravas, mentioned in the Mahabharata. After failing to negotiate with the Kauravas on behalf of the Pandavas, Lord Krishna crossed the Ganga to visit Mahatma Vidur to seek his guidance. Bijnor district BJP president Rajeev Sisolia said the local party unit would soon write to the state government regarding the matter.It is believed that during the Mahabharata, Mahatma Vidur lived here on the banks of the Ganga. If Bijnor is renamed Vidur Nagar, people will easily relate the district to the Mahabharata era and this will give a historical character to the place.”Sisodia said, “We have held a meeting in this connection, and sought views of people from different spheres..