Tata Memorial Hospital cuts second opinion cost for kids

Mumbai | Thursday | 15th February, 2018


“Most of the second opinion cases are from the northern and north-eastern India. While the app, in more than two years, has so far received over 18,000 cancer treatment cases for the second opinion, around 2,000 of them were cases of paediatric cancer. On the occasion of International Childhood Cancer Day celebrated on February 15, the Parel-based Tata Memorial Centre (TMC) Hospital will be reducing the cost of the second opinion given on paediatric cancer cases by doctors through Navya App. While there are many paediatric cancer cases, there is hardly 45 paediatric oncologist across India,” said Dr Tushar Vora, professor of paediatric oncology at TMC. At least 70 per cent paediatric cancer cases are curable..