Goa Police to reopen 2015 sex racket case

Mumbai | Thursday | 22nd February, 2018


more-inPanaji: The Goa Police will be asked to inquire afresh into a 2015 prostitution case involving a Bollywood actor, who was part of an alleged sex racket. Public Works Department Minister Sudin Dhavalikar assured the House that the government would ask the police to inquire into this case again, after MLAs expressed dissatisfaction with the reply. A written reply by Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar during question hour in the ongoing Goa Assembly budget session said the State police was in the process of closing the case due to lack of evidence. Following the raid on the hotel in Panaji, the actor was shifted to a government run women’s home before being released to her relatives. The actor was rescued during a raid on a city hotel..