Vijay Mallya extradition trial: Arthur Road Jail’s barrack to be filmed

Mumbai | Saturday | 4th August, 2018


The Central Bureau of Investigation on Friday said the Union Home Ministry would get a video made of Barrack No.12 in Mumbai's Arthur Road Jail for submission in the United Kingdom court which is hearing the request for extraditing Vijay Mallya. The agency officials remain present during the court proceedings to extend assistance to the British Prosecution officials, as and when required. Time limitIndia has about three weeks to submit a video showing the natural light available to the inmates of Barrack 12 as Mr.

Mallya’s defence team claimed that the Indian government’s assurances “cannot be relied upon” . The closing oral submissions have been postponed to September 12. “The Home Ministry will get the filming done and share it with the Ministry of External Affairs to be submitted in the UK court, as sought during the last hearing,” said a CBI official..