Husband, in-laws held for abetment to suicide

Mumbai | Wednesday | 19th September, 2018


The arrested accused include the husband Ganesh Shantaram Mhatre, his mother Vandana Mhatre, and brothers Rupesh and Dinesh. The Kharghar police have arrested the husband and in-laws of a 32-year-old woman, Ratnaprabha, who committed suicide on September 11. Though Kharghar police said that the case was a suicide and booked the accused for abetment to suicide, the victim’s relatives claim it to be murder. Manisha Lokhande, the victim’s sister, said, “Even though my sister had a love marriage, her husband started ill-treating her for money soon after the wedding. When Ganesh ran out of money and did not find work, he started assaulting Ratnaprabha for money, the police said..