Waste dumping goes on unabated in Kasadi river

Mumbai | Friday | 16th November, 2018


NAVI MUMBAI: In a brazen illegal operation that has been on unchecked for the past several days, huge amounts of debris are being dumped inside Kasadi River near Taloja CETP outside Navi Mumbai. If this is not checked immediately, it will end up destroying the entire natural eco-system of the region,” said Sukumar Killedar, head of Save Mangroves and Navi Mumbai Existence. “Authorities pretend to be clueless about the dumping activity that has been going on for the past few days. They fear if the illegal activity is allowed to continue, the river could be reduced to a nullah in the next few weeks. The land mafia has brought in a JCB machine and levelling work is also on.Eyewitnesses said hundreds of truckloads of soil and debris have already been dumped into the river..