Welding machine sparks may have caused hosp fire

Mumbai | Tuesday | 18th December, 2018


There have been instances when even snakes were found in the hospital.”On Tuesday, hospital staff protested against the administration alleging poor work conditions. Staff nurse C Rani told TOI, “The medical superintendent and hospital seniors did not take our complaints seriously. MUMBAI: The fire that broke out at the ESIC-run Kamgar Hospital in Marol on Monday, killing eight people, including a two-month-old girl, and injuring over 160, was caused by sparks from a welding machine falling on a pile of rubber sheets, showed investigations by a police forensic team. It has also emerged that the hospital has been the site of frequent minor fires. It was just smoke that cost lives,” said an officer from the MIDC police station.The glass facade of the building prevented smoke from escaping sideways..