Duo deported from Saudi with fake passports

Mumbai | Friday | 4th January, 2019


They are also collecting information about the agents in Lucknow and Ghaziabad who helped them get fake passports. MUMBAI: Sahar police arrested two men who flew to Saudi Arabia using fake passports and were deported back on January 1.Shahbuddin Fakruddin (38) and Javed Shamsed (35) from Uttar Pradesh were deported after Saudi immigration officials found they were blacklisted from entering the country for travelling with fake passports after they were caught twice, in 2008 and 2010.Police are probing how they cleared immigration check at Mumbai airport. “They tried to work as labourers in Saudi Arabia. They were deported in a Jet Airways flight from Oman to Mumbai and arrested on January 1. Their passports did not have the emigration check required (ECR) certification from Protector of Emigrants,” said a police officer..