Coastal road: No new reclamation of land, Bombay HC tells BMC

Mumbai | Friday | 12th April, 2019


THE BOMBAY High Court Thursday told the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) not to carry out any new reclamation for the coastal road project until further orders. He added that 70 per cent of Mumbai stands on land reclaimed from the sea and that work on coastal road project had started four months ago. The court also accepted the statement of the BMC that no new reclamation will be carried out for the coastal road project. The plea stated that the coastal road and the ongoing reclamation work are a breach of the laws on environment clearances, traditional rights and jurisdiction. It claimed that the garden will be completely destroyed by the project, as the coastal road will pass through its middle to connect with Bhulabhai Desai Road and make way for an interchange road..