Mithi River to be restored in 2 years: Ramdas Kadam

Mumbai | Sunday | 16th June, 2019


In a bid to ensure that no sewage enters Mithi river in future, State Environment Minister Ramdas Kadam, on Saturday, announced that work of constructing sewer lines on both sides along the Mithi river with two sewage treatment plant (STP) for treating the wastewater has been initiated. There is also another proposal to build green fencing on both sides of the Mithi River costing around Rs 30 crore. The minister also emphasised that with the sewer line and STP in place the perennial issue of the river getting polluted would be resolved. Meanwhile, a check dam)has also been proposed to be built almost 2 km before Mahim creek to stop high tide water from entering Mithi river. "We are sure that Mumbai will soon have a wonderful and attractive riverfront in the form of Mithi River, once all the proposed work is completed..