Developers opt for luxury homes no more

Mumbai | Monday | 17th June, 2019


The unsold housing stock in the luxury segment dipped across the country from 48.300 units in the first quarter of last year to 42,650 units in the first quarter of this year. It is clear that most developers are not opting for the luxury segment anymore. According to Anuj Puri, Chairman of Anarock Property Consultant, MMR predictably accounted for the maximum share of unsold luxury housing stock at about 23,930 units in Q1 2019. The total number of units sold that were priced below Rs 1 crore stood at 12,101 units. At the same time, the number of units sold at the price range of Rs 1-2 crore stood at 2911, and the number was 1628 for homes priced above Rs 2 crore, which is not even half..