Mumbai: 50-yr-old sodomises kid at civic hospital, nabbed

Mumbai | Sunday | 18th August, 2019


A 50-year-old man was arrested late on Friday night for allegedly sodomising a 12-year-old in a civic hospital — while visiting his ailing wife. The accused took the boy, who was in a deep sleep, to an isolated place in the hospital and reportedly sodomised him. Meanwhile, the boy was there with his mother following his father's surgery at the same hospital. Ansari took advantage of the situation and took the boy to an isolated place where he then went on to sodomise him. Senior inspector Lalita Gaikwad of Mumbai police said, "We have arrested the accused Ansari who sodomised a 12-year-old boy in a hospital under POCSO Act for sodomising him and Section 323 for beating the child..