AGMs to Go Virtual in Future, Says India Inc.

Mumbai | Thursday | 6th May, 2021


Symposium on shareholder management in a virtual world brings together perspectives of pioneers of stakeholder engagement on their transition to virtual in the COVID-induced era of remote working. Bringing together the pioneers of stakeholder engagement, Chorus Call India, a leading conferencing solutions provider, organized a first-of-its-kind virtual symposium to delve into the nuances of shareholder management in the virtual world. Citing respective experiences, the panelists threw light on how virtual AGMs resulted in higher shareholder participation and engagement and how they are looking to shift from week-long roadshows to virtual platforms. Constant engagement through virtual meetings, whether it is AGMs, quarterly earnings calls, CEO town halls has become increasingly crucial for organizations. As per industry reports, virtual AGMs have seen better turnouts with practically no technical glitches and no interruptions from combative shareholders, giving the comfort to CXOs to move their engagements online..