HC tells State to monitor water levels in dams

Mumbai | Wednesday | 25th May, 2016


The High Court ordered the State to appoint a new water regulatory authority within a week to monitor water levels in the dams from time to time. Work half done:Silt piled up by the roadside in Bhandup.—Photo: Special ArrangementAsks government to appoint new water regulatory body in a weekThe Bombay High Court on Tuesday directed the State water authorities to constantly monitor water levels in all the dams to ensure availability of drinking. The court was informed that terms of the members of Maharashtra Water Resources Regulatory Authority (MWRRA) have expired, and therefore, the body is now defunct. Acting advocate general Rohit Deo said that only potable water is being supplied to people in drought hit areas through tankers. He also said that under the Jal Yukt Shivar scheme, water is stored in ponds for personal consumption..