Nagpada Police Hospital goes digital

Mumbai | Tuesday | 28th March, 2017


Nagpada Police Hospital, which is the primary health care centre for the Mumbai Police, made its outpatient department (OPD) digital last week, cutting down on the time taken in dealing with patients and putting in place a better system to log patients’ history. Earlier, the hospital used to record the history of every patient in written form, and as documents tend to get misplaced or damaged, it was not always possible to access a patient’s medical history. Patil, Dean of the hospital, said, “We have been working on this initiative for the last two months. In the new system, everything gets recorded in a central server with access to all doctors. more-inMumbai: After introducing several measures to make the police force high-tech, the Mumbai Police have now initiated steps to usher in the digital age into its health care mechanism..