Waiver: govt. to seek Centre’s direction to RBI

Mumbai | Wednesday | 28th June, 2017


“I will also urge the Union Minister to instruct RBI to allow the State government to repay loans in instalments of ?10,000 crore every year,” he said. State Finance Minister Sudhir Mungantiwar, who is likely to meet Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in Delhi on Wednesday, said he would urge the latter to direct RBI to approve a loan of of ?34,000 crore. more-inMumbai: Days after it announced a farm loan waiver scheme, the State government on Tuesday said it would urge the Centre to direct the RBI to allow it to borrow a loan of Rs 34,000 crore from nationalised banks. “Commmencing of a Non-Banking Finance Corporation will be the last option, which will allow it to directly control ?60,000 crore of various departments,” he said. The State has borrowed up to the limit of 15.05%, which means we can further borrow about 7 per cent,” said Mungantiwar..