Teachers’ union protests sacking of junior faculty

Mumbai | Thursday | 14th September, 2017


more-inTeachers affiliated to Mumbai Junior College Teachers’ Union on Wednesday protested against the sacking of three junior faculty members of K.J Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce in Vidyavihar. It is unfair.”Mannudevi Singh, a junior college teacher of commerce in the unaided section, said she was sacked without being issued a notice. Now I am facing unemployment.”‘Unfair and baseless’Shriprakash Dixit, vice-president of the union said, “We stand by the teachers. The teachers are well-versed in their subjects and have been more than four years of experience.”Other teachers of the college expressed their concern about the issue but did not take part in the protests. Meera Kulkarni, a permanent faculty member who taught Marathi in the aided section, was allegedly asked to quit early this year as the department had less workload..