Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act: As more seek permission for abortion citing health of unborn, a look at one who started it

Mumbai | Tuesday | 19th September, 2017


But our hardship will have no meaning until the MTP Act is changed,” Niketa had said in 2009. On August 12, 2008, Niketa, then 27 weeks pregnant, had a miscarriage. They had moved the court with a plea of abortion which, under the existing MTP Act, was not permissible as it was beyond 20th week of pregnancy. A year later, an expert committee appointed by the Union Health Ministry recommended an amendment in the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, 1971, permitting abortions beyond 20th week of pregnancy if there’s a risk to the mother or child. They soon attracted nation-wide media attention and the cap on abortion at 20 weeks became a prime time television debate..