This school in HD Kote is running out of temple, anganwadi

Mysore | Monday | 2nd July, 2018


“They are afraid that the community hall might be used as the school building on a permanent basis,” he said. The roof the school building collapsed a month ago, but the department of public instruction (DPI) is yet to initiate any repair work on the building, or locate a new structure. “This is the state of at least three to four schools in HD Kote taluk,” he said.‘Repair delayed owing to lack of funds’HD Kote block education officer S Sundar attributed the problem to the non-availability of funds. But the state government departments are claiming they do not have funds, and the local administrators are showing no interest. Amid all this, the students have been deprived of the most basic of utilities that are taken for granted at other institutions – benches, desks and blackboards..