US-based scientist backs Bandipur protest

Mysore | Tuesday | 6th November, 2018


"There is no excuse to destroying wildlife , especially a tiger reserve when there are only a 1,000 tigers left in the world, almost all in India," he said. "I heard about this situation from my friend from Bengaluru, Bharath Bharadwaj, an environmentalist. Mysuru: The ongoing protest against allowing night traffic on Bandipur Road, which connects Karnataka with Kerala , is creating ripples in the US as well.A scientist from the US, who originally hails from Tamil Nadu , extended his support online by holding a placard against the proposal of building flyovers to allow night traffic inside the forest.Shriram Venkatesan, who is currently staying in Kansas City, USA, raised voice against the flyover proposal and night vehicle service on Bandipur Road. As I share the same viewpoint, I did some homework on the issue by reading online and decided to show my support by writing something that would not only show that people like us who support nature are disappointed, but something that would also be the strongest argument on our side," he said.Speaking to TOI, he stated that for him the point is that the detour around Bandipur Reserve is only 24-30km which can save the precious forest and wild animals..