Workers deployed to ensure waters remain clean at Triveni Sangama

Mysore | Tuesday | 19th February, 2019


The most attractive part of the Maha Kumbha Mela is the dip that the devotees take at the sangama, and ensuring the waters remain clean is vital. Knowing full well that devotees must feel no hesitation in immersing themselves in the flowing river, these specially deputed workers ensuring the waters stay uncontaminated. These workers could even be observed requesting devotees not to throw clothes or flowers into the river.Assistant engineer with the Madras Engineers Group Ramesh told TOI, “We have deputed nearly 30 workers to clear weeds, and keep the waterbody clean. The water from the dams was released a few days ago and reached downstream on Sunday night, leading to water at the sangama rising by nearly one to one-and-a-half feet. The thousands of devotees have descended on T Narasipura, and have been effusive in their appreciation of the efforts made by the organisers to maintain cleanliness..