Victims spent Valentines’ day with challenged children

Nagpur | Sunday | 18th February, 2018


Nagpur: Divya Paku (23) and Dhiraj Pathade (20), among the seven students of Hislop college who died in an accident on Friday on Amravati Road, spent the Valentine’s Day trying to bring cheer to some disabled children. Some conversation in Bengali, probably between Evhana Parveen Khan (22) and her mother, reflected the realities of our times when youngsters often mislead parents about their whereabouts. Shahbaz was driving the car in the first half of the trip. The 9.45 minute clip has the group in happy mood with peppy music playing. Wadi police, who had already registered an offence against driver of the parked trailer, are also set to write to RTO for a technical inspection of vehicles..