Forest Development Corporation of Maharashtra cancels order to reappoint DM on retirement day

Nagpur | Friday | 6th July, 2018


There are 19 posts of DM in FDCM, of which 14 will fall vacant by December 31, 2019. NAGPUR: The state-owned Forest Development Corporation of Maharashtra (FDCM), involved in commercial extraction of timber, has cancelled the order to reappoint a divisional manager (DM) on contract basis on the day of his retirement.TOI had on June 2 reported how managing director N Rambabu issued an order on May 31 to reappoint PS Rajput, DM with Bramhapuri. Rajput had retired the same day, but was continued with same financial powers.On June 29, Rambabu cancelled Rajput’s reappointment, though he had not even joined the post after his order was issued. The retirement age of employees is 58. Rambabu was not available for comments..