NU allows sem-III students to skip foundation course

Nagpur | Monday | 23rd July, 2018


However, the demand by MA students of including more options in the foundation course has gone abegging.In fact, vice-chancellor SP Kane had been insisting that students do not skip the foundation course and should take up interdisciplinary studies. Nagpur: The Nagpur University (NU) has finally given in to the demands of students, colleges and several of its own postgraduate departments to allow all third-semester PG students to skip foundation course. Being optional, students skipped the foundation courses and stayed with electives.Realizing that students were unwilling, the NU made it compulsory for them to opt any one of the 42 foundation courses. I was firm on my decision to make the foundation course compulsory. As a temporary arrangement, the first batch was allowed to opt for core elective last year even as foundation courses were yet to be finalized.In 2017-18, the NU began implementing the foundation course with its PG departments on the campus..