VC assures to seek guv nod for late admissions, students end protest

Nagpur | Monday | 17th September, 2018


Nagpur: The 20-hour protest by students seeking late admissions was called off on Sunday afternoon after vice chancellor SP Kane reached out to them to end the stalemate. On Sunday, Youth Congress leader Abhijeet Wanjari too met the students at NU and joined them for the meeting at the VC’s bungalow. However, the peaceful protest left the guards and NU official helpless. The students were seeking admission to higher class as their revaluation results were declared after the final cut off of September 6.Acting registrar Neeraj Khaty said that NU would find out how the situation could be addressed as per norms. “The VC will forward the demands of the students and the university’s recommendation to the governor and the education ministry,” he said.The students had been on a hunger strike since they came to NU with their demands on Saturday afternoon..