Ex CADCAD mentor shares his expertise with Engineering students

Nagpur | Monday | 17th September, 2018


Nagpur : An expert lecture of Mr.

Aman Shukla, Trainer, CADCAD Guru, Nagpur, was organized on the topic “Design aspects of FALCON fighter jet plane” recently for all the students of Mechanical Engineering and polytechnic. Prof.

Nitesh H.

Chahande, Head of Mechanical Department focused on the importance of design aspects to be implemented practically. The speaker shared his industrial experience with the students and made them aware about the design perspective to be implemented in the field of aerodynamics. Abhijit Wanjarri, Secretary, Amar Seva Mandal and Prof.

M.S.Motghare, Principal, gave their valuable guidance & support for the grand success of the event. At the beginning of the program Dr.

Hemant Sonare, Director, Wanjarri group of Institutions welcomed the guests with a floral bouquet..