16 APMCs to boycott online tur bookings from today

Nagpur | Wednesday | 30th January, 2019


The APMC office bearers and farmers’ representatives highlighted their problems and urged him to take initiative to save both, APMCs and tur growers. Later, Deshmukh flayed the government for turning its back on debt ridden farmers.The payment for tur, soyabean and chana (gram) procured during 2016-17 and 2017-18 is still pending. Yavatmal alone has 1.5 lakh acre of land under tur cultivation, though yield is comparatively less this year. But the rate has gone up to Rs3,850 per quintal making a loss of Rs450 per quintal to the farmers. APMCs are facing acute fund crunch and are unable to even pay salaries to their employees, Pravin said, pegging the arrears at Rs5 crore.“The government has ordered launch of online booking of tur from Wednesday..