UK’s company to make short film on city’s MBBS student helping a woman deliver baby in moving train

Nagpur | Saturday | 5th August, 2017


‘Only Today’ is famous for making short films on stunning and daring acts world over. A United Kingdom-based film production company called “Only Today’ is making a short film on the incident for Facebook after watching the news on a channel of British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Passengers vacated the compartment and the women in the train helped Vipin set it up into a makeshift delivery room. The train was about 30 kms from Nagpur when the woman’s relatives pulled the chain to halt the train near Wardha junction. The 24-year-old final year MBBS student, Vipin Khadse, of GMCH, Nagpur had helped a woman in labour on the Ahmedabad-Puri Express to deliver her baby safely, with help from his seniors on WhatsApp in April 2017..