Deptt’s in RTMNU’s campus sans CCTV cameras

Nagpur | Tuesday | 21st November, 2017


As there are no CCTV cameras installed in the campus premises often there is fear of untoward incident. Some months back RTMNU’s Pro Vice- Chancellor Pramod Yewale had said that in a few days the CCTV cameras would be installed in university campus but there is no move in this regard. Even the students feel that RTMNU should follow the instructions of UGC and have the CCTV cameras in all departments. Nagpur: Leave alone the colleges, even most of the departments in RTMNU’s campus do not have CCTV cameras though the University Grants Commission (UGC) had asked the varsities to make arrangement for the security of students. Very often the students in University not studying in a particular department also enter without any hesitation as there is no one to stop them..