Centre mulls over currency notes with polymer coating

Nashik | Thursday | 6th September, 2018


The official said some western countries introduced polymer notes but the experiment did not last long and most were withdrawn. Over 90% of notes printed across the world are paper-based, while in remaining nations currency notes are polymer-based,” the source said. The possibility of such spread through currency notes could not be ruled out, he said, adding that guidelines of the Reserve Bank of India to all banks that handle soiled currency notes stress the need to use of hand-gloves and masks, because of chances of contamination while handling the notes. “Now, they are working on hybrid notes that would be a mix of paper and polymers,” the source said.Asked about the spread of disease through notes, the source said any paper that changes hands frequently could spread disease. NASHIK: Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited (SPMCIL) sources confided to TOI that the Union government is exploring the option of paper currency notes with a polymer coating to increase the life span of notes and reduce soiling.SPMCIL, which functions under the Union finance ministry, is entrusted with the responsibility of printing currency notes, minting coins and taking care of other security-related products like stamps, passports, judicial stamps etc..