28000 patients screened for swine flu in 15 days

Nashik | Sunday | 16th September, 2018


Over the past 15 days, over 28,000 patients have been screened for swine flu. With the wider availability, swine flu can be brought under control if diagnosis is early enough, she said. Given the rising cases of swine flu, the district health department has started screening patients at government hospitals. Senior officials said there were 16 deaths from swine flu this year in the district.A workshop was held recently where doctors in the private sector were apprised of the treatment protocol for epidemic diseases like swine flu, dengue and scrub typhus. Doctors were also informed about the symptoms of swine flu, dengue and other epidemic diseases.Ratna Ravkhande, deputy director of health department, said Tamiflu tablets were now available in all drug stores..