Law students fume as SPPU fails to announce results 70 days after exams

Nashik | Thursday | 17th January, 2019


Student leader Ajinkya Geete has threatened to lock the university sub-centre in Nashik on Monday if the university fails to announce results. “Pro-vice-chancellor C N S Umrani told me that the university authorities held a high-level meeting on the results issue on Thursday only. There was a technical issue, which has been almost resolved. As per the UGC norms, the university has to announce the results within 45 days of the examination.Students from Nashik gathered at the office of SPPU sub-centre and raised the issue with centre coordinator Prashant Tope on Thursday. This means, we will get corrected mark lists in March, the month when summer exams will start,” said Siddhesh Zoting, another student..